Monday, December 6, 2010

A nice picture

So that is yours truly in the sun glasses...rocking some training in the southland (aka Wichita)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Some Thoughts

The Dukcy Boys are far better than I gave them credit for in 97 when I saw them in Lawerence with Valerie.

Saw a school bus load of kids (yeah full of them) in the Wal Mart parking lot...I know I live in BFE but fuck! who takes a class trip to Wal Mart?? He kids wanna see how we can fuck over the common man?!?! Hop on in!

so I guess some thoughts turned into just two

Sunday, October 24, 2010


There are just sometimes when you need to hate on people...this is one of those times.!/emunsinger

feel free to send her tons and tons of hate mail and tell her to eat a pile of dog shit.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I am not really as pissed as the title would say, just a line I have stuck in my head. So if you're reading this...welcome back, I have been slacking, not for lack of wanting to blog, but rather lack of good shit to blog about. People (not myself) seem to find an easy time with what to share or write about. Little has changed in my neck of the woods (or prairie, if you will), and it doesn't seem to be going to change any time soon. Work is still work and it's still are doing fine and nothing out of the ordinary is happening there. more later I suppose

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ended up in the ER last night with what I thought could have been pneunomia but it was ruled not....not heart shit either but hurt like fuck to breathe....the god damn chief deuputy showed up...i think to make sure I was legit. the one of my co workers texts me...FUCK YOU ALL like i'd lie bout that shit?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Was reading an atricle about fire service leadership and the thought of having a higher education. (sarcastic tone) no smart and a firemen...parish the's stupid thinking that we don't need an education that will end up killing us.

Shark week...I don't understand the people who go nuts about this. It's kinda like going nuts for anything (yeah even the Red Sox) people will make fun of answer to them: I am to the Sox what you are to go beat a bible or pop out baby number 20..fucking wierdo!

lost the thought train I hijacked...more later

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Out for a date night with the wife, met up wih some people from work and the fire house. Was in the middle of some rather good conversation and people watching when all hell breaks loose right next to us. Drunk black dude(black guy) and drunk white dude (whitey)start running thier mouths to each other the wife looks my way and says "they ar going to go", I grab my phone to text a bouncer working downstairs (as there were no bouncers upstairs) but before I can sent my three word text of "fight loft NOW!" fists start flying and and I am pulling whitey of of the black guy. I was telling whitey there he was done and was leaving, when WHAM! Glass and beer going flying into whiteys head and my hand (the picture above). So I am pissed, tell the now arriving bouncer, to grab me and bar rag, so I can stop bleeding on the floor. Walk down the staris and meet two of the nw 7 or so cops on sceene....tell them to call the unit, cos my hand is fucked. Unit comes and they clean up my dude goes to jail (two counts use of a weapon to commit a felony) ha ha ha ha see you Monday fucker!